Bahrain Dinar Interbank Offered Rate

The next bhibor rates will be published at 11:00 AM (08:00 GMT)

Fixing Date: 15-Dec-2024
ON 5.1333/5.3332 ON 5.1333/5.3332
SW 5.3667/5.5657 SW 5.3667/5.5657
1M 5.5417/6.0574 1M 5.5417/6.0507
2M 5.4250/5.8383 2M 5.4250/5.8383
3M 5.4118/5.8145 3M 5.4118/5.8145
6M 5.1503/5.6324 6M 5.1503/5.6324
9M 5.0734/5.6012 9M 5.0736/5.6015
1Y 5.0135/5.5283 1Y 5.0144/5.5283

The next bhibor rates will be published at 11:00 AM (08:00 GMT)

Fixing Date: 11-Dec-2024
ON 5.1333/5.3332 ON 5.1333/5.3332
SW 5.3667/5.5657 SW 5.3667/5.5657
1M 5.5417/6.0576 1M 5.5417/6.0605
2M 5.4249/5.8450 2M 5.4250/5.8555
3M 5.4113/5.8147 3M 5.4118/5.8473
6M 5.1503/5.6259 6M 5.1670/5.6648
9M 5.0903/5.5983 9M 5.0901/5.6203
1Y 5.0227/5.5283 1Y 5.0219/5.5283

The next bhibor rates will be published at 11:00 AM (08:00 GMT)

Fixing Date: 10-Dec-2024
ON 5.1333/5.3332 ON 5.1333/5.3332
SW 5.3667/5.5657 SW 5.3667/5.5657
1M 5.5417/6.0605 1M 5.5417/6.0614
2M 5.4250/5.8555 2M 5.4283/5.8687
3M 5.4118/5.8473 3M 5.4118/5.8670
6M 5.1670/5.6648 6M 5.1670/5.6745
9M 5.0901/5.6203 9M 5.0903/5.6217
1Y 5.0219/5.5283 1Y 5.0227/5.5283

The next bhibor rates will be published at 11:00 AM (08:00 GMT)

Fixing Date: 09-Dec-2024
ON 5.1333/5.3332 ON 5.1333/5.2999
SW 5.3667/5.5657 SW 5.3167/5.5432
1M 5.5417/6.0614 1M 5.5188/6.0096
2M 5.4283/5.8687 2M 5.3849/5.8203
3M 5.4118/5.8670 3M 5.3351/5.8237
6M 5.1670/5.6745 6M 5.1703/5.6777
9M 5.0903/5.6217 9M 5.0903/5.6050
1Y 5.0227/5.5283 1Y 5.0227/5.5283

The next bhibor rates will be published at 11:00 AM (08:00 GMT)

Fixing Date: 08-Dec-2024
ON 5.1333/5.2999 ON 5.1333/5.3332
SW 5.3167/5.5432 SW 5.3667/5.6153
1M 5.5188/6.0096 1M 5.5417/6.0632
2M 5.3849/5.8203 2M 5.4349/5.8852
3M 5.3351/5.8237 3M 5.4184/5.8770
6M 5.1703/5.6777 6M 5.1703/5.6777
9M 5.0903/5.6050 9M 5.0903/5.6217
1Y 5.0227/5.5283 1Y 5.0227/5.5283